Schedules Archive

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Start Date ↑ Away  Home  Location  League
2020-11-30 19:15:00  All About 4Play(L) Itty Bitty Hittie Committee(W) Court 2 ?
2020-11-30 19:15:00  Sweet Digs(W) 2 Bald 2 Mane(L) Court 3 ?
2020-11-30 19:15:00  Big Digs(W) Ballz Deep(L) Court 4 ?
2020-11-30 18:30:00  #NoMamesBro #NoMercy(L) Bat Intentions(W) Field 4 ?
2020-11-30 18:30:00  Quit your pitching(T) Homewreckers(T) Field 2 ?
2020-11-30 18:30:00  Slappin the Pitches(L) Fire balls(W) Field 3 ?
2020-11-30 18:30:00  All About 4Play(L) Sweaty ballz(W) Court 1 ?
2020-11-30 18:30:00  Take A Hit!(W) Sweet Digs(L) Court 2 ?
2020-11-30 18:30:00  Itty Bitty Hittie Committee(L) Big Digs(W) Court 3 ?
2020-11-30 18:30:00  2 Bald 2 Mane(L) Ballz Deep(W) Court 4 ?
2020-11-30 18:30:00  Los Toros(L) Goon Squad(W) Field 5 ?
2020-11-30 18:30:00  Swingers(L) Leones(W) Field 1 ?
2020-11-29 00:00:00  Thanksgiving Park Closed Sports Park ?
2020-11-28 00:00:00  Thanksgiving Park Closed Sports Park ?
2020-11-27 00:00:00  Thanksgiving Park Closed Sports Park ?
2020-11-26 00:00:00  Thanksgiving Park Closed Sports Park ?
2020-11-25 00:00:00  Thanksgiving Park Closed Sports Park ?
2020-11-24 20:45:00  The burger flippers(L) Broken Back Mountain(W) Court 1 ?
2020-11-24 20:45:00  Ganja squad(L) Pocket Aces(W) Court 2 ?
2020-11-24 20:45:00  Lik Mai Dong(L) Dukes of Mas Chingon(W) Court 3 ?
2020-11-24 20:45:00  ERROR 404 - NAME NOT FOUND(L) Honey Badgers(W) Court 4 ?
2020-11-24 20:30:00*  WP Warriors(G4)(L) Lady MBN(G4)(W) Field 4 ?
2020-11-24 20:00:00  Ganja squad(W) The burger flippers(L) Court 1 ?
2020-11-24 20:00:00  Broken Back Mountain(L) Lik Mai Dong(W) Court 2 ?
2020-11-24 20:00:00  Pocket Aces(W) ERROR 404 - NAME NOT FOUND(L) Court 3 ?
2020-11-24 20:00:00  Dukes of Mas Chingon(L) Honey Badgers(W) Court 4 ?
2020-11-24 19:30:00*  Trouble makers(G3)(L) Lady MBN(G3)(W) Field 4 ?
2020-11-24 19:15:00  Kiss our Ace(L) MannPadd(W) Court 1 ?
2020-11-24 19:15:00  She-Unit(W) Lefty and Lacey(L) Court 2 ?
2020-11-24 19:15:00  Sugar & Spice(L) SPIKETOWN(W) Court 3 ?
2020-11-24 19:15:00  Ball Busters(L) Loca Lindas(W) Court 4 ?
2020-11-24 19:00:00*  So Excited- PTA(G2)(L) WP Warriors(G2)(W) Field 5 ?
2020-11-24 18:30:00*  Dirty DivAZ(G1)(L) Trouble makers(G1)(W) Field 4 ?
2020-11-24 18:30:00  She-Unit(W) Kiss our Ace(L) Court 1 ?
2020-11-24 18:30:00  MannPadd(W) Sugar & Spice(L) Court 2 ?
2020-11-24 18:30:00  Lefty and Lacey(W) Ball Busters(L) Court 3 ?
2020-11-24 18:30:00  SPIKETOWN(W) Loca Lindas(L) Court 4 ?
2020-11-24 18:05:00  Dennis 2 hours Field 1 ?
2020-11-23 20:30:00  Robbin Da Bank(L) Los Toros(W) Field 5 ?
2020-11-23 20:30:00  Membrilleros(W) Jungle boys(L) Field 4 ?
2020-11-23 20:30:00  The Basketball players(L) Tucson Off Road(W) Field 2 ?
2020-11-23 20:30:00  Leones(W) Los Doyers(L) Field 3 ?
2020-11-23 20:30:00  Ruta 4x4 Tucson Az(W) (L) Field 1 ?
2020-11-23 19:31:00  #MBN*(W) Jungle boys*(L) Field 1 ?
2020-11-23 19:30:00  Goon Squad(W) No Chance(L) Field 4 ?
2020-11-23 19:30:00  DTD(W) TrojansXL(L) Field 5 ?
2020-11-23 19:30:00  No Pepper Games(L) Stiff socks(W) Field 2 ?
2020-11-23 19:30:00  Swingers(L) Cold Peetz(W) Field 3 ?
2020-11-23 19:30:00  #MBN(W) Smash(L) Field 1 ?
2020-11-23 19:15:00  Sweet Digs(W) Sweaty ballz(L) Court 1 ?

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