Schedules Archive

Search results found 18 matches in the Volleyball Fri Gender Blind 4v4 Weighted Shuffle category.

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Start Date ↑ Away  Home  Location  League
2019-03-29 20:10:00  218/98/321/3221(L) 3432/390/1052/135(W) Court 1 ?
2019-03-29 20:10:00  282/724/277/829(W) 200/3436/93/103(L) Court 2 ?
2019-03-29 20:10:00  730/269/293/2250(L) 784/539/275/2801(W) Court 3 ?
2019-03-29 19:50:00  98/3221/93/321(L) 724/539/277/269(W) Court 1 ?
2019-03-29 19:50:00  2250/1052/829/293(L) 103/2801/275/135(W) Court 2 ?
2019-03-29 19:50:00  3432/282/390/218(W) 784/200/3436/730(L) Court 3 ?
2019-03-29 19:30:00  390/3221/275/98(L) 103/784/200/2801(W) Court 1 ?
2019-03-29 19:30:00  3436/2250/539/135(L) 93/724/282/3432(W) Court 2 ?
2019-03-29 19:30:00  829/218/293/730(W) 277/269/1052/321(L) Court 3 ?
2019-03-29 19:10:00  275/2801/93/3221(L) 103/200/390/784(W) Court 1 ?
2019-03-29 19:10:00  539/3432/277/2250(L) 282/98/3436/724(W) Court 2 ?
2019-03-29 19:10:00  293/321/730/218(W) 1052/135/829/269(L) Court 3 ?
2019-03-29 18:50:00  93/784/282/2801(W) 103/390/275/200(L) Court 1 ?
2019-03-29 18:50:00  277/724/1052/3432(W) 3436/3221/539/98(L) Court 2 ?
2019-03-29 18:50:00  730/269/218/321(W) 829/2250/293/135(L) Court 3 ?
2019-03-29 18:30:00  282/200/3436/784(W) 103/275/93/390(L) Court 1 ?
2019-03-29 18:30:00  1052/98/829/724(W) 539/2801/277/3221(L) Court 2 ?
2019-03-29 18:30:00  218/135/321/269(W) 293/3432/730/2250(L) Court 3 ?
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