Schedules Archive

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2021-10-16 09:30:00*  W of G3(G8) W of G4(G8) Field 6 ?
2021-10-16 09:30:00  Boo-yah!(W) Boo Crew(L) Court 2 ?
2021-10-16 09:30:00  Vibe(W) Chills & Thrills(L) Court 3 ?
2021-10-16 08:30:00*  Bandits(G1) Friendsmondo(G1) Field 5 ?
2021-10-16 08:30:00*  Fire balls(G2) Canyon Clappers(G2) Field 3 ?
2021-10-16 08:30:00*  Fireballz(G3) The Sh*t Show(G3) Field 4 ?
2021-10-16 08:30:00*  Scrubs(G4) Pro tech awnings(G4) Field 6 ?
2021-10-15 21:30:00  Goon Squad(L) Domn8(W) Field 1 ?
2021-10-15 21:30:00  Da Wise Guys(W) VetSports-MTS(L) Field 6 ?
2021-10-15 21:30:00  Los vaqueros(L) Lickity split(W) Field 4 ?
2021-10-15 21:30:00  Salty Dawgs(L) IRONWORKERS(W) Field 5 ?
2021-10-15 21:30:00  (W) DBD(L) Field 3 ?
2021-10-15 21:30:00  LIGMA(L) Kuttersbarbershop(W) Field 5 ?
2021-10-15 20:45:00*  Heaven Set(G4)(L) Aztecas(G4)(W) Court 1 ?
2021-10-15 20:45:00*  Losers(G5)(W) Ballz to the Face(G5)(L) Court 2 ?
2021-10-15 20:45:00*  Freeballers(G6)(W) Not as Good as You Think(G6)(L) Court 3 ?
2021-10-15 20:31:00  Pending Pending Field 2 ?
2021-10-15 20:30:00  Frosty Boys(L) Killin Time(W) Field 1 ?
2021-10-15 20:30:00  Slammers(W) Swingman(L) Field 5 ?
2021-10-15 20:30:00  Los vaqueros(L) Los Porfis(W) Field 4 ?
2021-10-15 20:30:00  Knuckleheads softball(W) Culligan Water(L) Field 2 ?
2021-10-15 20:30:00  (W) Tucson lobos(L) Field 3 ?
2021-10-15 20:30:00  Rogue Squad(L) Tucson Bombers(W) Field 6 ?
2021-10-15 20:00:00*  Heaven Set(G1)(W) (G1)(L) Court 1 ?
2021-10-15 20:00:00*  Freeballers(G2)(L) Losers(G2)(W) Court 2 ?
2021-10-15 20:00:00*  Not as Good as You Think(G3)(L) Ballz to the Face(G3)(W) Court 3 ?
2021-10-15 19:30:00  Chili Dawgs(W) Drunk By Noon (DBN)(L) Field 3 ?
2021-10-15 19:30:00  Los dioses(L) Tucson Bombers(W) Field 5 ?
2021-10-15 19:30:00  The squad(L) E-Rec-T(W) Field 4 ?
2021-10-15 19:30:00  Rogue Squad(W) Dos Amigos(L) Field 6 ?
2021-10-15 19:30:00  Caught Looking(W) Whiskey Glasses(L) Field 1 ?
2021-10-15 19:30:00  Kinda Bad Kinda Boujee(W) Pitch Slap(L) Field 2 ?
2021-10-15 19:15:00*  The 11th Plague(G5)(W) SHAMELESS(G5)(L) Court 1 ?
2021-10-15 19:15:00*  Dat Ace Doe(G6)(W) Heads in the Sand(G6)(L) Court 2 ?
2021-10-15 19:15:00*  Spartans(G7)(W) (G7)(L) Court 3 ?
2021-10-15 19:15:00*  The Bold Eagles(G8)(L) Sand Stars(G8)(W) Court 4 ?
2021-10-15 18:30:00  Diablos(W) Tucson lobos(L) Field 2 ?
2021-10-15 18:30:00*  The 11th Plague(G1)(L) Spartans(G1)(W) Court 1 ?
2021-10-15 18:30:00*  SHAMELESS(G2)(L) (G2)(W) Court 2 ?
2021-10-15 18:30:00*  The Bold Eagles(G3)(W) Dat Ace Doe(G3)(L) Court 3 ?
2021-10-15 18:30:00*  Heads in the Sand(G4)(L) Sand Stars(G4)(W) Court 4 ?
2021-10-15 18:30:00  Tucson Bandits(W) 99 problems(L) Field 6 ?
2021-10-15 18:30:00  Just for fun(L) zazu(W) Field 4 ?
2021-10-15 18:30:00  KW 6-4-3s(L) The Biggest Dill(W) Field 5 ?
2021-10-15 18:30:00  Dx'ing U(L) Triple play(W) Field 3 ?
2021-10-15 18:30:00  Bat Attitudes(W) WS45(L) Field 1 ?
2021-10-14 20:45:00  Bumping Betties(L) Face Down(W) Court 1 ?
2021-10-14 20:45:00  Ho-Fairies(L) Setual Beaches(W) Court 2 ?
2021-10-14 20:45:00  She-Unit(W) Sloppy Hoes(L) Court 3 ?
2021-10-14 20:45:00  Ball Busters(W) Balls Deep(L) Court 4 ?

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